Statement by Michel Barnier following Round 9 of negotiations for a new partnership between the European Union and the United Kingdom

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 2 oktober 2020.

The ninth round of negotiations on a future partnership between the European Union and the United Kingdom took place this week in Brussels.

Across the 11 negotiating tables, with discussions held in a constructive and respectful atmosphere, we noted:

  • points of convergence, most of which had already been recorded in previous rounds, in particular on some aspects of trade in goods, services and investment, civil nuclear cooperation, and participation in Union programmes;
  • positive new developments on some topics such as aviation safety, social security coordination, and the respect of fundamental rights and individual freedoms, which are a pre-condition for our future police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters;
  • a lack of progress on some important topics like the protection of personal data, climate change commitments or carbon pricing;
  • as well as persistent serious divergences on matters of major importance for the European Union.

We recall once again that any agreement on an economic partnership with the United Kingdom requires:

  • Solid, long-term guarantees of open and fair competition. Our new economic partnership must be underpinned by clear rules. These rules must be operational and credible. That requires effective enforcement mechanisms, in particular on State aid, and a commitment towards non-regression from social, fiscal, environmental and climate standards. This is possible while fully respecting the regulatory autonomy and sovereignty of both parties.
  • An efficient governance framework, based on a comprehensive agreement, with robust enforcement and dispute settlement mechanisms, as well as effective remedies. This is naturally even more important following the UK government's introduction of the « Internal Market Bill», which breaches its obligations under the Withdrawal Agreement and the Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland.
  • A stable, sustainable and long-term agreement on fisheries, enabling the United Kingdom to further develop its fishing opportunities, while ensuring the sustainable use of resources and protecting the activities of European fishermen and women.

To reach an agreement, these divergences must necessarily be overcome over the next weeks.

We will continue to maintain a calm and respectful attitude, and we will remain united and determined until the end of these negotiations.