Declaration by EU High Representative Borrell on Belarus: “The people of Belarus deserve better”

Met dank overgenomen van Duits voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2020 (Duits Voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 11 augustus 2020.

The European Union has been closely observing the situation in Belarus following the nation’s contested presidential elections. On 11 August, High Representative Josep Borrell i released a declaration on behalf of the EU calling for an end to violence and repression.

On 9 August, Belarusians took part in presidential elections lacking democratic standards. Independent election observers were barred from doing their work, opposition leaders were detained, and reports of systematic irregularities and electoral violations appear to be credible.

In the days following the election, Belarusians took to the streets in protest. This democratic act was met with violent repression and the arrest of demonstrators and journalists.

Amid this backdrop, Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, issued on 11 August the following declaration on behalf of the EU:

On 9 August, Presidential elections took place in the Republic of Belarus.

The EU has been following the developments leading to the presidential elections closely. During the electoral campaign, the people of Belarus have demonstrated the desire for democratic change.

However, the elections were neither free nor fair.

State authorities deployed disproportionate and unacceptable violence causing at least one death and many injuries. Thousands of people were detained and the crackdown on freedoms of assembly, media and expression intensified. We call on the Belarusian authorities to release immediately and unconditionally all detained. Furthermore, credible reports of domestic observers show that the electoral process did not meet the international standards expected of an OSCE participating state.

The people of Belarus deserve better.

Since the 2015 release of political prisoners, the relationship between the EU and Belarus had improved. But without progress on human rights and the rule of law, the EU-Belarus relationship can only get worse.

It is against this background that we will be assessing the Belarusian authorities' actions to address the current situation and conducting an in-depth review of the EU's relations with Belarus. This may include, inter alia, taking measures against those responsible for the observed violence, unjustified arrests, and falsification of election results.

We call on Belarusian political leadership to initiate a genuine and inclusive dialogue with broader society to avoid further violence. The EU will continue to support a democratic, independent, sovereign, prosperous and stable Belarus.


Belarus is an important neighbour of the European Union and an active member of the Eastern Partnership. The absence of violence following the 2015 presidential election and the release of political prisoners led to existing EU sanctions against Belarus being largely lifted. Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union believes in building stronger ties between Belarus, its people and the European Union based on a respect for common democratic values, including civil liberties and the rule of law. It is of concern that progress in these matters is being thwarted. Germany stands with its European partners in calling for the release of all political prisoners, a refrain from violence or any violation of human rights, civic and political freedoms, and respect for the will of the Belarusian people.