Venezuela: eleven officials added to sanctions list

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 29 juni 2020, 8:00.

The Council today added 11 leading Venezuelan officials to the list of those subject to restrictive measures, because of their role in acts and decisions undermining democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela.

The individuals added to the list are responsible notably for acting against the democratic functioning of the National Assembly, including by stripping the parliamentary immunity of several members of its members, not least its president, Juan Guaidó. Actions motivating the decision for listing also include initiating politically motivated prosecutions and creating obstacles to a political and democratic solution to the crisis in Venezuela, as well as serious violations of human rights and restrictions of fundamental freedoms, such as freedom of press and speech.

Today's decision brings to 36 the total number of individuals under sanctions, which include a travel ban and an asset freeze. These measures target individuals and do not affect the population in general. The EU will continue working to foster a peaceful democratic solution in Venezuela, through inclusive and credible legislative elections.

The Council decision follows up on four declarations issued by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on 21 December 2019, 9 January, 4 June and 16 June 2020.

Restrictive measures by the EU on Venezuela were introduced in November 2017. They include an embargo on arms and on equipment for internal repression as well as a travel ban and an asset freeze on listed individuals. They are flexible and reversible and designed not to harm the Venezuelan population.