Towards a carbon-neutral and competitive EU waterborne transport sector
The future of shipping and inland navigation is carbon-neutral, zero-accidents, automated and competitive, says the Council in its conclusions adopted today by written procedure.
The conclusions stress the vital importance of the maritime and inland waterway sector in bringing essential goods to European citizens, as highlighted by the key role played by the sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Council particularly commends the crucial role of seafarers, inland navigation workers and port workers in keeping the supply chains open.
The text also endorses the vision for the EU i waterborne sector as set out in the declaration adopted at the informal maritime ministerial meeting organised by the Croatian presidency in Opatija, Croatia, on 11 March 2020.
"A sustainable, state-of-the-art and competitive EU waterborne transport sector has been a priority for the Croatian presidency from the beginning. And the COVID-19 crisis has shown that this vision is as relevant as ever. We will achieve it by investing in digital transformation, in safety and in people who work in the sector. That is what gives, and will continue to give, the EU waterborne transport sector its competitive edge."