EU Transport Ministers discussed future challenges that may occur as a consequence of relaxing measures
Ministers today discussed the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on transport with the focus on possible additional measures and challenges that may occur as a consequence of relaxation of measures in the Member States.
This was the second informal videoconference of EU Transport ministers on the implications of the COVID-19 on transport organized by the Croatian Presidency. The meeting was chaired by Oleg Butković, Croatian Minister for the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, with the participation of Adina Vălean i, European Commissioner responsible for Transport. At the invitation of the Croatian Presidency, the EFTA countries also joined the videoconference.
Ministers expressed their satisfaction with the current measures but also highlighted the need for further and constant cooperation in order to limit the negative effects of the COVID-19 outbreak.
“While preparing the exit strategy we should think of coordinated measures that are proportionate, non-discriminatory and risk-based. These measures must have a certain level of compatibility and coordination that will allow their mutual recognition and acceptance. It is equally important that we find solutions for the financial obligations of the businesses and transport operators.”
Oleg Butković, Croatian Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
Additionally, during the videoconference participants reflected on the current measures such as the positive impact of the Green Lanes on maintaining the supply chains, made possible by the network of National Contact Points and on the necessity to stay vigilant in view of expected growth of traffic in the coming period.
Commissioner Vălean presented a package of additional measures, adopted by the Commission today, to alleviate the impact of the crisis on the transport modes.
Ministers agreed on the need of a EU coordinated approach towards reinstating connectivity and mobility and asked for a urgent implementation of sector-specific Guidelines for gradual easing and phasing-out of confinement measures as soon as possible.
“The European Commission published A European Roadmap to Lifting Coronavirus Containment Measures, a set of recommendations which we will use as a starting point in our efforts to reestablish, progressively, the transport services and connectivity across the EU Member States. Transport is the backbone of the economic system, and restoring mobility will be, indeed, the key to restarting the economy. I‘d like to thank all Transport Ministers from the EU for their efforts and continuous support in making operational the network of National Contact Points. This network is and will continue to be a strategic asset for the EU, as all Member States continue to work together in the exit phase of the Covid-19 crisis.”
Adina Vălean, European Commissioner responsible for Transport
In his concluding remarks, Minister Butković emphasized that the EU needed a coordinated exit and recovery strategy, which combines the imperative protection of public health with operational and economic recovery.