Memorandum on PESCO project in the field of cyber security signed

Met dank overgenomen van Kroatisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2020 (Kroatisch voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 4 maart 2020.

The project plans the rapid creation of multinational response networks, cyber teams made up of Member States' cyber defense experts.

On the sidelines of an informal meeting of EU member states' defense ministers at the National and University Library in Zagreb, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed on Wednesday, March 4, 2020, for the PESCO project "Cyber Response and Mutual Assistance in Cyber Security" (Cyber Rapid Response Teams and Mutual Assistance in Cyber Security).

This project plans the rapid creation of multinational response networks, cyber teams made up of Member States' cyber defense experts, and unlike other multinational cyber defense initiatives focusing specifically on sharing and sharing cybersecurity information, this project also involves the sharing of human resources which further gives it value.

The Memorandum was signed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Damir Krsticevic, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Lithuania Raimundas Karoblis, Minister of Defense of Estonia Jüri Luik, Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Ank Bijleveld-Schouten, Minister of Defense of Romania Nicolae Ionel Ciucra and Minister of Defense Pawel Wozny.

In addition to the "Cyber Response and Mutual Assistance in Cyber Security" project, Croatia is participating in five more PESCO projects: "Military Mobility", "Logistics Hub in Europe and Operations Support", "Naval Monitoring", "Deployable Military Capability Package" disaster relief ”and“ NBKO area monitoring ”.