Upcoming event: Informal Meeting of Ministers for Competitiveness - Research, 3 and 4 February 2020
At the National and University Library in Zagreb Ministers for Competitiveness (Research) will discuss the topic of brain circulation and a vision of the future European Research Area.
Brain circulation is a positive form of mobility involving scientists and researchers who, through their movement, contribute to the diffusion of existing knowledge and the absorption of new knowledge. The focus is on attracting talent from around the world and sharing knowledge in the Member States.
Mr. Philippe Busquin i: former Commissioner Busquin participated in the launch of the European Research Area (EIP) 20 years ago. In his speech he will give an overview of what he has done so far in this field and share his vision of how to achieve fair, balanced and efficient brain circulation as part of the new ERA.
Mr. Mate Rimac: one of the most influential Croatian innovators and creator of the first Croatian electric car, will explain his perspective of the importance of knowledge circulation as a precondition for competitiveness. As part of the programme, Ministers will visit the Rimac Automobile Electric Car Factory and attend gala dinner at the Mimara Museum.
As part of the programme, Ministers will visit the Rimac Automobile Electric Car Factory and attend gala dinner at the Mimara Museum.
Please make sure that you have your accreditation badge and that you are registered for the event. Accreditation badges can be picked up at the National and University Library (Ulica Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska) during following hours:
12.00 - 18.00 h on Monday, 3 February 2020 (at the main entrance)
07.00 - 14.00 h on Tuesday, 4 February 2020 (at the media entrance)
The Press Centre at the National and University Library will be open from 7.00 h to 20.00 h on 4 February.
Late accreditation desk is located at the Press Centre entrance. For all info on the Press Centre and accreditation, please contact:
Držislav Ujević Drzislav.Ujevic@mvep.hr +385 (0)99 387 51 93
Marija Gudelj Racich Marija.Gudelj-Racich@mvep.hr +385 (0)99 387 51 92
Media will be allowed to record the arrivals and the press conferences, while welcome handshakes and family photo will be recorded only by the official broadcaster and official photographer. All photos will be uploaded on Flickr.com/eu2020hr and can be downloaded free of charge.
Who is who - Tuesday, 4 February 2020