Digital Finance Outreach 2020
Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 3 februari 2020.
The digital finance roadtrip 2020 is a series of events in Member States in March-early May 2020 on fintech and digital innovation in the financial sector to prepare the new EU digital finance strategy.
These events would be an opportunity to learn about the best practices applied in these local ecosystems but also the challenges that they are facing - for example when seeking to expand beyond their national borders.
This will be an occasion to:
-Meet the key stakeholders in digital finance around the EU;
-Create awareness around the Commission’s ongoing and forthcoming work on digital finance;
-Generating publicity to stimulate responses on the current and upcoming public consultations;
-Create more collaboration between the various EU fintech hubs in line with the Commission's priority in creating a single market for digital finance.
Upcoming events
-13 February 2020 - Italy - Milan
-20 February 2020 - Czech Republic - Prague
-7 April 2020 - Netherlands - The Hague