Indicative programme - General Affairs Council of 28 January 2020

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 27 januari 2020.


Europa building, Brussels


Andreja Metelko-Zgombić, State Secretary for European Affairs of Croatia

All times are approximate and subject to change.

from 09.30

Arrivals (live streaming)

+/- 10.00

Doorstep by State Secretary Metelko-Zgombić


Beginning of the Council meeting (Roundtable)

Adoption of agenda

Adoption non-legislative A items

+/- 11.05 Presentation of the priorities of the Croatian presidency (public session)

Conference on the Future of Europe

Any other business

+/- 12.45

Press conference (live streaming)