President David Sassoli meets Speaker of the UK House of Commons John Bercow

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 9 oktober 2019.

Sassoli to Bercow: ‘Extension on Brexit is needed if there is an election or referendum”

“The European Parliament would support a request from the UK government to extend the withdrawal period in order to have time for a general election or a referendum.” This was the message from European Parliament President David Sassoli during a meeting with Speaker of the UK House of Commons John Bercow in London. President Sassoli restated the position adopted by the European Parliament in September that an extension should be granted to allow time for either elections or a referendum.

“John Bercow and I fully agreed on the important role that our parliaments play in the Brexit process. There is also a common awareness that a disorderly exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union would be against the interests of British and European citizens.”