Brexit: discussion on the state of play on Wednesday afternoon

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 24 september 2019.

The Constitutional Affairs Committee will debate the state of play on Brexit with EP Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt i on Wednesday at around 15.00.

Parliament’s Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt (Renew Europe, BE) and Antonio Tajani (EPP, IT), Committee Chair and member of the Parliament's Brexit Steering Group, will discuss the state of play on Brexit with Constitutional Affairs Committee MEPs.

Following the decision of the 10 April 2019 European Council Special Summit to accept the UK government’s request to prolong the Article 50 deadline, the UK is set to leave the EU by 31 October.

When: The meeting starts at 14.30, on Wednesday 25 September. The Brexit debate is the second item on the meeting agenda.

Where: European Parliament, Brussels, József Antall building, room 6Q2

You can watch the debate live here