Indicative programme - Agriculture and Fisheries Council of 15 July 2019
Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 12 juli 2019.
Europa building, Brussels
Jari Leppä, Minister for Agriculture and Forestry of Finland
All times are approximate and subject to change
from 08.30
+/- 08.55
Doorstep by Minister Leppä
+/- 10.00
Beginning of the Council meeting
Adoption of the agenda
Adoption of non-legislative A items
+/- 10.10
Work programme of the Presidency (public session)
+/- 10.25
Any other business (public session):
-African swine fever
-Animal welfare during transport in high temperatures during the summer months
-Progress report on low-risk plant protection products and integrated pest management
+/- 11.45
Report from the high-level group on sugar
+/- 12.45
Any other business:
-Common declaration on the future role of the BIOEAST Initiative within Horizon Europe
+/- 13.05
Lunch break
+/- 14.55 (roundtable)
Post 2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform package: environmental and climate related aspects (public session)
+/- 17.25
Any other business:
-Free trade agreement in principle between the EU and Mercosur
+/- 19.10
Any other business:
-Outcome of the third African Union - European Union agriculture ministerial conference, Rome - 21 June 2019
-Increase in imports to the EU of Japonica rice
+/- 19.55
Press conference (Main press room - Justus Lipsius building, live streaming)