Opening remarks by President Donald Tusk at the meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 juni 2019.

Dear Prime Minister, it is a great pleasure to be in Osaka and to discuss with you, the chair of the G20 i, preparations for the upcoming summit.

This will be a difficult G20. There are global challenges to be met: the need to step up action to avoid the climate threat, avoid trade wars, reform the international trading system, and to prepare for the digital revolution. At the same time international tensions are growing, just to name the examples of Iran or the situation between the US and China.

As the fate of our planet is uncertain, the situation requires a special sense of responsibility. And this responsibility rests - to a large extent - with the G20 leaders who will gather here in Osaka. I discussed the need for such a responsibility yesterday with the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings and the citizens of these cities. For me, these were extremely important talks. Because in such places ordinary people really know what a global conflict means. I will therefore take their appeal for responsibility, international cooperation and dialogue between nations to the G20 table.

Dear Shinzo, I am convinced that the excellent work of the Japanese presidency, your great leadership, personal engagement and your highly appreciated diplomatic skills, will help to overcome some of the differences that the world is facing. Today we are here to fully support Japan, and you personally in this task. You can count on us and Japan can count on the European Union.