South Sudan: €48.5 million in additional EU humanitarian aid

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 20 juni 2019.

Despite a recent peace deal, humanitarian needs remain high in South Sudan with nearly two million people internally displaced and almost seven million in need of emergency food aid.

To help the most vulnerable in the country, the European Commission today announces €48.5 million in humanitarian assistance. This comes on top of last week's €1 million to step up Ebola prevention in the country.

The EU continues to stand by people in need in South Sudan. Today on World Refugee Day let us not forget the 4 million South Sudanese who remain uprooted, either within their country or as refugees in the region. Our new funding will help partners save lives on the ground. It is therefore essential that humanitarian workers have full and safe access to do their lifesaving job. While humanitarian support is a matter of urgency, ultimately only a solid commitment to restore peace and stability can bring a long-lasting solution," said Christos Stylianides, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management.

The EU-funded humanitarian projects will address, in particular:

  • the protection of the most vulnerable, including displaced people in the country, women, andchildren;
  • the provision of food and nutrition assistance to families in need;
  • the provision of basic health care in hard-to-reach areas, and the prevention of epidemic outbreaks, and
  • the setting up and running of accelerated education programmes for children who lost out on years of schooling in conflict-affected areas, giving them a safe environment and a chance for a better future.

Since 2014, the EU has contributed more than €551 million in aid in South Sudan. EU support has helped provide food assistance, protection services and assistance, healthcare, water and sanitation, essential household items and education to those most in need.


Humanitarian needs in South Sudan stand at unprecedented levels since 2013, the year when civil war broke out. Nearly 2 million South Sudanese are internally displaced, with almost 2.3 million having found refuge in neighbouring countries.* The conditions are not yet in place allowing for displaced people's assisted return to their homes and for them to rebuild their lives. Outside of the country, the EU continues to provide life-saving assistance to South Sudanese refugees and their host communities in the region.Thanks to a recent peace deal, albeit fragile, violence has significantly reduced in South Sudan. The situation, however, remains volatile and an upsurge of hostilities in Yei River State at the beginning of 2019 led to new displacement.

For more information

Factsheet - South Sudan

*Corrected on 21/06/2019, 11:22



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