EU Trust Fund Bêkou for the Central African Republic extended until 2020

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 19 juni 2019.

A few months after the signature of the Peace Agreement between the Government and armed groups signed in Bangui in February 2019, the European Commission is today announcing the extension of the Bêkou Trust Fund for the Central African Republic (CAR) until the end of 2020.

Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica, said: “We are extending the Bêkou Trust Fund for 18 months as it brings real results. The first ever EU Trust Fund has so far already reached over 2.5 million beneficiaries, over half of the population of the Central African Republic. It has improved the lives of lots of people in areas such as health, rural development, reconciliation and economic recovery. In a difficult context where our traditional instruments do not deliver fast enough, Bêkou has proven to be an effective tool. I call on EU Member States and other partners to further contributing to the Bêkou Trust Fund in order to maximise our impact on the ground”.

Key results of the Bêkou Trust Fund

Five years after its creation, the Bêkou Trust Fund has already almost quadrupled its resources (from €64 million to €243 million) and has launched 17 programmes, which have already provided tangible results for half of the population of the Central African Republic.

  • In the health sector, which currently represents the main sector of intervention with 42% of the funds, the Bêkou Trust Fund actions restored health services for over 30% of the population.
  • In the rural development sector, thanks to the food security programme, animal vaccination campaigns have been relaunched and the livelihoods of agro-pastoral communities were restored.
  • Additionally, by the end of 2018, more than 56,000 individuals have already benefited from actions that directly support peace building and conflict prevention.

The EU, France, Germany as well as Switzerland have pledged around €55 million for the extension.


The EU Trust Fund for the Central African Republic was created in July 2014 to address the political and security crisis of 2013 in the Central African Republic. The Bêkou Trust Fund (meaning “hope” in Sango) brought together the EU, a long-standing partner of the CAR, as well as France, Germany and the Netherlands. Italy and Switzerland joined the Trust Fund in 2015. The Bêkou Trust Fund remains a critical instrument to bridge the gap between humanitarian needs and development in the CAR and to implement the LRRD approach - ‘Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development'.