General Affairs Council, 18/06/2019 - Main results
The Council adopted conclusions on the EU's enlargement policy and the stabilisation and association process.
The conclusions reaffirm the Council's commitment to enlargement, which remains a key policy of the European Union, in line with the renewed consensus on enlargement approved by the European Council in December 2006 and the subsequent Council conclusions.
The Council reiterates that enlargement continues to represent a strategic investment in peace, democracy prosperity, security and stability in Europe.
Reaffirming its conclusions of 26 June 2018, the Council welcomes the historic and unprecedented Prespa Agreement and takes good note of the Commission's recommendation to open accession negotiations with the Republic of North Macedonia and Albania based on its positive evaluation of the progress made and of the fulfilment of the conditions identified by the Council. In light of the limited time available and the importance of the matter, the Council will revert to the issue with a view to reaching a clear and substantive decision as soon as possible and no later than October 2019.
The solution agreed by consensus at the level of all member states represents the result of intensive work during a complex process of negotiation and sends a positive message, preserving a clear European perspective and timeline for the partners who deliver on their commitments. The outcome of today’s Council reconfirms that promoting the enlargement policy, based on EU internal cohesion, enhances the coherence and the relevance of the EU’s global action, which starts in our immediate neighbourhood.
George Ciamba, Romanian Minister Delegate for European Affairs
Council conclusions on enlargement and stabilisation and association process
Next multiannual financial framework
The Council held a policy debate on the multiannual financial framework (MFF) for 2021-2027, ahead of the June European Council. Ministers exchanged views on the revised draft negotiating box prepared by the Romanian presidency, as a result of the intensive work carried out during this semester.
The aim of the document is to clarify and simplify the options on the negotiating table to facilitate future discussions among the leaders, based on the principle that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.
Work on the draft negotiating box is expected to continue during the Finnish presidency on the basis of the guidance to be provided by the leaders at their meeting on 20-21 June.
Our term as the Council presidency has been marked by intensive work on the MFF and the related sectoral programmes. The preparation of a revised draft negotiating box has formed part of these efforts. This provides, in the Presidency’s view, a solid basis for our Finnish colleagues to take this file forward in view of facilitating a timely agreement.
George Ciamba, Romanian Minister Delegate for European Affairs
Revised draft negotiating box prepared by the presidency (14/06/2019)
June European Council
The Council finalised preparations for the European Council meeting of 20-21 June 2018 by discussing draft conclusions.
At this meeting EU leaders are expected to:
take the relevant decisions on appointments for the next institutional cycle and adopt the EU's strategic agenda for 2019-2024
revert to the issue of the next multiannual financial framework
discuss climate change ahead of the UN Secretary-General's Climate Action Summit on 23 September 2019
in the context of the European Semester, discuss the country-specific recommendations
take note of a report on disinformation and elections prepared by the Romanian presidency in cooperation with the Commission and the High Representative
European Council meeting on 20-21 June 2019
European Semester
The Council discussed a horizontal report on country-specific recommendations and decided to transmit it to the European Council.
European Semester - Horizontal report on Country-Specific Recommendations
EU emergency travel document
The Council adopted, without discussion, a directive on an EU emergency travel document. The directive updates the rules, format and security features of the EU emergency travel document. It simplifies the formalities for unrepresented EU citizens in third countries whose passport or travel document has been lost, stolen or destroyed.
Council adopts directive for an EU emergency travel document (press release, 18/06/2019)
Preparatory documents
List of A items, non-legislative activities
List of A items, legislative deliberations