Strengthening multilateralism: Council adopts conclusions

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 17 juni 2019.

EU foreign ministers and defence ministers today discussed the EU Global Strategy. Following the discussion, the Council adopted conclusions on EU action to strengthen rules-based multilateralism.

In the conclusions, the Council underlines that the need to promote multilateral solutions is more urgent than ever. The Council highlights that the EU's interest lies in a multilateral system that is rules and rights-based, which protects the global commons, promotes shared public goods, and delivers benefits for citizens in Europe and across the globe.

The Council reiterates that cooperation through effective multilateralism remains the best way to advance national as well as collective interests. The EU aims at an effective multilateral system that delivers results in tackling today's and tomorrow's global challenges. Strengthening the multilateral system will be based on three strands of action:

  • Upholding international norms and agreements,
  • Extending multilateralism to new global realities, and
  • Reform: making multilateral organisations fit for purpose.

The conclusions identify concrete steps which the EU and its member states will use to take forward these objectives.

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