Maldives: Council revokes sanctions framework

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 17 juni 2019.

Today, the Council decided to revoke the framework for restrictive measures against the Maldives that it adopted on 16 July 2018.

This framework provided for the possibility of imposing a travel ban and an asset freeze on persons and entities responsible for undermining the rule of law or obstructing an inclusive political solution in the Maldives as well as persons and entities responsible for serious human rights violations. It was adopted following a deterioration of the political situation in the Maldives in the first half of 2018, particularly as institutions such as Parliament and the judiciary were being prevented from functioning properly. No persons or entities were listed under this sanctions regime.

Today's decision was taken in light of the Council's objectives and of the current situation in the Maldives. Since the inauguration of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih' administration in November 2018, the political situation has improved. The holding of peaceful and democratic parliamentary elections on 6 April 2019 was a welcome step. The government confirmed its firm commitment to consolidate democracy, ensure good governance, and promote respect for human rights during the fourth annual policy dialogue between the Maldives and the EU which was held on 11 March 2019.

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