Working documents 2020
Working Document I contains Programme Statements, which constitute the main instrument for justifying the operational appropriations requested by the Commission in the Draft Budget, pursuant to Article 41(3)(h) of the Financial Regulation. These Statements are coherent with the corresponding legal bases and provide details on the resources which are dedicated to each spending Programme.
Working Document II presents information on the human resources of the EU i institutions and executive agencies, and in particular for the Commission, both for the establishment plans and for external personnel and across all headings of the multiannual financial framework. Moreover, pursuant to Article 41(3)(b) of the Financial Regulation, it provides a summary table for the period 2014 - 2019 which shows the number of full-time equivalents for each category of staff and the related appropriations for all institutions and bodies referred to in Article 70 of the Financial Regulation.
Working Document III presents detailed information relating to all decentralised agencies, executive agencies and Public-Private Partnerships (joint undertakings and joint technology initiatives), with a transparent presentation of revenue, expenditure and staff levels of various Union bodies, pursuant to Article 41(3)(c) of the Financial Regulation.
Working Document IV presents information on all pilot projects and preparatory actions which have budget appropriations (commitments and/or payments) in the 2020 Draft Budget, pursuant to Article 41(3)(f) of the Financial Regulation.
Working Document V presents the budget implementation forecast for 2020, information on assigned revenue (implementation in 2018 and estimation for 2020), and a progress report on outstanding commitments (RAL) and managing potentially abnormal RAL (PAR) for 2018, pursuant to Article 41(3)(d) of the Financial Regulation.
Working document VI encompasses administrative expenditure to be implemented by the Commission under the administrative heading of the multiannual financial framework (heading 5) in accordance with Article 317 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, as well as the budgets of the Offices (OP, OLAF, EPSO, OIB, OIL and PMO), pursuant to Article 41(3)(e) of the Financial Regulation.
Working Document VII presents information on buildings under Section III - Commission, pursuant to Article 266(1) of the Financial Regulation.
Working Document VIII presents information on human resources and expenditure related to the external actions of the European Union, pursuant to Article 41(10) and (11) of the Financial Regulation.
Working Document IX presents funding provided to international organisations, across all MFF headings, pursuant to Article 41(4) of the Financial Regulation.
Working Document X presents the use made of financial instruments, pursuant to Article 41(4) of the Financial Regulation.
Working Document XI presents the activities supported by EU Trust Funds, their implementation and performance, pursuant to Article 41(6) of the Financial Regulation.
Working Document XII presents summary statements of the schedule of payments due in subsequent years to meet budgetary commitments entered into in previous years, pursuant to Article 41(3)(i) of the Financial Regulation.