Media advisory - 10th Anniversary of the Eastern Partnership - 13-14 May 2019

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 29 april 2019.

To mark the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership, a series of events will take place on 13 and 14 May 2019 in Brussels.

On Monday 13 in the morning, EU foreign ministers will meet their counterparts from the Eastern partner countries for their annual joint session. On the same day, beginning at 18.30, President Tusk will host the leaders of the Eastern Partnership Countries for dinner.

On Tuesday 14, a high level conference will take place at the European Commission (Charlemagne building).

For more information on the Eastern Partnership anniversary:

Media programme - 13 May Europa building

EU/EaP foreign minister meetings

9.00 - Arrivals

10.00 - Ministerial meeting (Roundtable)

12.00 - Family photo

12.15- 13.45 - Ministerial lunch

Celebratory dinner

18.30 - Arrivals, official welcome by President Tusk

Europa VIP entrance

18.45 - Family photo

Europa Forum

19.00 - 20.30 Dinner

Media accreditation

Media representatives holding a Council 1-year badge (2019) do not need to register.

Media may request a single "10th EaP anniversary" badge valid to access the Council premises representatives on 13 May and the Commission Charlemagne building on 14 May through the Council website:

Access to the ministerial meeting on Monday 13 morning and to the conference on Tuesday 14 will also be possible with the EU inter-institutional press card or with regular daily passes.


Before starting the registration process, make sure you have a recent ID-size photograph in JPEG format (.jpg), the number of your passport or identity card, the scan of a letter confirming you are a bona fide journalist assigned to cover the event (Media representatives holding an EU or a Belgian official press card (delivered by the interior ministry) may upload this card instead of the letter. No other press cards are accepted).

You may be asked to send additional documents/information to demonstrate that you fulfil the media accreditation criteria. For more information on our accreditation policy, see our terms and conditions.

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt by email and you may access your profile at any time to check the status of your application.

Collection of badges

Badges can be collected on Monday 13 May (from 7.30 to 19.00) at the main accreditation desk Justus Lipsius building (175, rue de la Loi) with a valid ID (or passport for non-EU member States nationals).

Visit the meeting page