Informal meeting of Ministers responsible for Cohesion Policy, 12th of April 2019, Bucharest
In the context of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, an informal meeting of Ministers responsible for Cohesion Policy will take place from 11th to 12th of April. The works will be held in Bucharest, at the Palace of Parliament.
The event brings together at the Palace of Parliament the Ministers of the Member States of the European Union and will be chaired by the Romanian Minister of European Funds, Rovana Plumb. The event will be attended by the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Crețu i, Ministers responsible for Cohesion Policy in the EU Member States, representatives of the Committee of the Regions, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development i, the European Commission and the Secretariat General of the Council of the European Union.
The investment priorities of the Cohesion Policy during the programming period 2021-2027
The negotiations at EU level address the future Multiannual Financial Framework and the main policies funded by the Union budget. As regards the Cohesion Policy, the negotiations focus on reducing regional disparities and addressing new challenges, aligning to the European Semester and ensuring flexibility that responds more promptly to the regional and local needs.
The leaders’ guidance will have a direct impact on the programming of the European funds. The debate is not intended to prevent the outcome of the negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework but to highlight the impact of the leaders’ political choice on the implementation and results of the Cohesion Policy without affecting the Union’s budget.
The topics for debate will be:
-Governance of funds, especially the link with the European Semester and the economic governance from the implementation perspective;
-Thematic concentration, share of funding related to Cohesion Policy, co-financing rates and the need for flexibility to meet long-term needs and reduce development gaps between Member States and regions;
-Identify the balance between the bottom-up approach of the Cohesion Policy and the long-term needs and the top-down recommendations of the European Semester, focusing on structural reforms and economic governance with a view to achieve a tangible socio-economic impact based on the use of European funds.
Cohesion Policy in the framework of leaders’ strategic agenda 2019-2024
The Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union has as motto “Cohesion, a common European value” and emphasizes the unity between the EU Member States and the importance of reducing the economic, social and territorial disparities at EU level.
The debate takes place before Sibiu Summit, on 9th of May 2019, an important moment in the design of a stronger, more united, more coherent and more democratic Europe. During the Summit, it will be presented the Final Report of the White Paper on the Future of Europe, adopted by the European Commission on 1st March 2017. On 30th of January 2019, the Commission presented a reflection paper on a more sustainable Europe by 2030, which encourages discussions on how to pursue the sustainable development objectives in the EU.
The economic, social and territorial cohesion of the Union is the basis for a balanced and sustainable development, it strengthens the EU in the context of global crises, supports economic competitiveness, social justice and promotes a better quality of life for the European citizens.
Practical information:
-Journalists’ access to the event is exclusively based on accreditation for the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union;
-Journalists who made their accreditations on the website can pick up the badge only in person, based on an identity document and a copy of approval of accreditation from the Accreditation Center in the Palace of Parliament - (Bucharest, 2-4, Izvor Street, S2 entrance), from 09:00 to 17:00 or, during the days of the ministerial meeting from 07:00 to 18:00;
-Non-accredited journalists must follow on the spot procedure and need to have a valid identity card and a nominal letter of confirmation, on paper with letterhead from the institution they represent.
-During the meeting, the Media Center will be operational at the Palace of Parliament, in Iuliu Maniu Hall. Access of journalists shall be made exclusively through S2 entrance, 2-4, Izvor Street;
-Images from the activities will be provided by the Romanian Television, the official broadcaster of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union;
-Journalists will have access to the Palace of Parliament on 12th of April for activities related to the informal meeting of Ministers responsible for Cohesion Policy.
Download media guide
Friday, 12th of April
09:00 - 09:30 Doorstep - photo and video opportunities for accredited journalists
Palace of Parliament, C1 entrance
Handshake - photo and video opportunities for accredited journalists
In front of I.I.C Brătianu Hall
09:30 Family photo - photo and video opportunities for accredited journalists
In front of Al.I. Cuza Hall
09:40 - 09:50 Press statements
Rovana Plumb, Minister of European Funds, and Corina Crețu, European Commissioner for Regional Policy
Nicolae Iorga Hall
09:50 - 10:00 Tour de table - image opportunities; only accredited journalists and cameramen are allowed
I.I.C Brătianu Hall