Communication of 10 April 2019: “Addressing the impact of a withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union without an agreement: the Union’s coordinated approach”
Communication of 10 April 2019: “Addressing the impact of a withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union without an agreement: the Union’s coordinated approach”
First published on
10 April 2019
Communication of 10 April 2019: “Addressing the impact of a withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union without an agreement: the Union’s coordinated approach”
English (439.6 KB - PDF)
Annex 1 - Timeline for key EU contingency measures
English (183.8 KB - PDF)
Annex 2 - Citizens’ residence and social security entitlements: Coordinated approach in case of a withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union without a deal
English (365 KB - PDF)
Annex 3 - Police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters: Coordinated approach in case of a withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union without a deal
English (321.2 KB - PDF)
Annex 4 - Medicinal products and medical devices: Coordinated approach in case of a withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union without a deal
English (251.1 KB - PDF)
Annex 5 - Fishing activities: Coordinated approach in case of a withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union without a deal
English (342.3 KB - PDF)
Annex 6 - Data protection: Coordinated approach in case of a withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union without a deal
English (282.7 KB - PDF)
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Other preparedness activities
Additional administrative and technical preparedness and contingency work, Communications and Council Working Party (Article 50) preparedness seminars