Opinions of the Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (since 1996)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 12 maart 2019.

Opinions of the Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (since 1996)

First published on

15 March 2019


2018 - Opinion on the future gender equality policy after 2019 - Old and new challenges and priorities

10 January 2019

English (860.5 KB - PDF)

DownloadPDF - 860.5 KB

2018 - Opinion on new challenges for gender equality in the changing world of work

13 February 2019

English (572.7 KB - PDF)

DownloadPDF - 572.7 KB

2017 Opinion on Gender Balance in Decision-making in Politics

05 February 2018

English (442.2 KB - PDF)

DownloadPDF - 442.2 KB

2017 Opinion on Gender Pay Gap

English (567.7 KB - PDF)

DownloadPDF - 567.7 KB

2016 - Opinion on gender mainstreaming in refugees' reception and integration measures

02 December 2016

English (0 bytes - PDF)

DownloadPDF - 0 bytes

2016 - Opinion on combatting female genital mutilation and other harmful practices

05 January 2017

English (0 bytes - PDF)

DownloadPDF - 0 bytes

2016 - Ad-hoc opinion on the new initiative to address the challenges of work-life balance faced by working parents and caregivers

25 January 2017

English (0 bytes - PDF)

DownloadPDF - 0 bytes

2015 - Opinion on gender equality and the digital society in Europe: opportunities and risks


English (0 bytes - PDF)

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2015 - Opinion on how to overcome occupational segregation

01 December 2015

English (0 bytes - PDF)

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2014 - Opinion on gender equality in the EU in the 21st century: remaining challenges and priorities

27 November 2014

English (0 bytes - PDF)

DownloadPDF - 0 bytes

2014 - Opinion on data collection on violence against women

14 November 2014

English (0 bytes - PDF)

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2014 - Ad-hoc Opinion on the mid-term review of the Europe 2020 Strategy

30 October 2014

English (0 bytes - PDF)

DownloadPDF - 0 bytes

1996 - 2013 - Opinions of the Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men

15 March 2019

English (350 KB - PDF)

DownloadPDF - 350 KB