Opening - Victims of terrorism remembered

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 11 maart 2019.

On European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism, President Tajani remembered all victims of terrorism, including Madrid and Strasbourg, at the opening of the session in Strasbourg.

On behalf of the European Parliament, President Tajani sent condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims of the tragic air accident in Ethiopia on Sunday.

President Tajani reiterated that the Parliament condemns the Russian annexation of Crimea five years ago and fully supports Ukraine’s independence. He called on the international community to help end the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Venezuela.

Changes to the agenda


A debate on the report by Mr LØKKEGAARD on “Accessibility requirements for products and services”, is added as the seventh item in the afternoon.

A VP/HR statement on the "Emergency situation in Venezuela" is added as the third item in the afternoon, after the Turkey report. The debate will be wound up with a resolution, to be put to the vote on Thursday.

Requests by committees to start negotiations with Council and Commission

Decisions by several committees to enter into inter-institutional negotiations (Rule 69c) are published on the plenary website.

If no request for a vote in Parliament on the decision to enter into negotiations is made by Tuesday 24.00, the committees may start negotiations.