Indicative programme - "Supporting the future of Syria and the region" Brussels III conference of 12-14 March 2019

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 11 maart 2019.

The third Brussels conference on "Supporting the future of Syria and the region" will be held on 12-14 March 2019. On 12 and 13 March, the days of dialogue will take place in the Hemicycle of the European Parliament in Brussels. On 14 March, the foreign ministers' conference will take place in the Europa building.

Specific accreditation is required. See the media advisory here.

Programme of 12-13 MARCH 2019 - days of dialogue


Hemicycle of the European Parliament, Brussels

12 March


Welcome of participants - Access for accredited journalist


Opening session


Parallel panel sessions

Panel 1 - Youth - economic and social empowerment

Panel 2 - Displacement and comprehensive solutions

13 March


Welcome, keynote address and NGO voices (Record will be available on EbS), including statements by:

  • Antonio Tajani i, President of the European Parliament
  • Johannes Hahn i, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations
  • Achim Steiner, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme
  • Ute Klamert, Assistant Executive Director for Partnerships, World Food Programme


Parallel panel sessions

Panel 3 - Regional socio-economic recovery

Panel 4 - Protection


Parallel panel sessions

Panel 5 - Justice and social cohesion in Syria

Panel 6 - Education and child protection


Press point by the High Representative Federica Mogherini i and UNSG Special Envoy Geir Pedersen (available on EbS - LIVE)


Reporting from the six panels, wrap-up and closing remarks (Record will be available on EbS), including closing remarks by:

  • Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice President of the European Commission
  • Christos Stylianides i, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management
  • Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator of the United Nations

Programme of 14 March 2019 - foreign ministers conference


Europa building, Brussels

+/- 07.00

Arrivals - Access for accredited journalists (live streaming)

+/- 10.00

Opening session by EU High Representative Federica Mogherini followed by representatives of the UN and by representatives of the three main refugee-hosting countries in the region, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey (roundtable)

(live streaming)

+/- 11.00

Family photo

+/- 11.15

First plenary session

Co-chaired by EU High Representative Federica Mogherini and UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen

After 13.00

Opportunities for doorstep statements to the media (after the end of the first plenary session)

+/- 14.30

Second plenary session part 1

Co-chaired by European Commissioner Johannes Hahn and UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi (Introductory remarks: live streaming)

+/- 16.15

Second plenary session part 2

Co-chaired by European Commissioner Christos Stylianides, and UN Under-Secretary-General Marc Lowcock

+/- 17.45

Closing remarks and announcement of final amount of pledges

European Commissioner Christos Stylianides, and UN Under-Secretary-General Marc Lowcock (live streaming)