"Supporting the future of Syria and the region": financial tracking report

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 8 maart 2019.

At the last Brussels conference on "Supporting the future of Syria and the region" on 24-25 April 2018, hosted by the European Union and co-chaired with the United Nations, the international community and the governments of refugee hosting countries came together to reaffirm their commitments to help millions of affected civilians in Syria as well as Syrian refugees and the communities generously hosting them.

The international community pledged US$4.3 billion (€3.5 billion) in funding to support humanitarian, stabilisation and development activities for 2018 in Syria and the region, and a further US$3.5 billion (€2.9 billion) for 2019-2020. International financial institutions and donors also announced almost US$21.2 billion (€17.2 billion) in loans for 2018-2020.

In view of the third Brussels Conference on 12-14 March 2019, a report was published today on progress against those pledges. The report shows that the international community exceeded by almost 40% aid pledged at last year´s Brussels conference for the Syria crisis for the year 2018. EU member states and EU institutions contributed US$4.7 billion (€ 4 billion) in 2018, which equals to 56% more than their original pledges.

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