Initiatives such as the Eastern Partnership can turn Europe into a smart, sustainable and inclusive development center
The Ministry of Communications and Information Society organized, under the aegis of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, on 28th of February, 2019, the Third Eastern Partnership Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy (PaE), at the Palace of Parliament, Bucharest.
European Ministers in charge of digital economy and their counterparts from the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine discussed the progress of digital cooperation in the Eastern Partnership.
The meeting was chaired by Alexandru Petrescu, Minister of Communications and Information Society, with Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Digital Single Market.
Representatives of international financial institutions, regulatory authorities for electronic communications, research and education data networks, the EU4Digital project consortium as well as representatives of the private sector and civil society also attended the Meeting.
“Initiatives such as the Eastern Partnership can turn Europe into a smart, sustainable and inclusive development center. Thus, 75 million consumers from these six partner countries can enjoy the potential of the Digital Single Market, generating growth, jobs and improving the citizens lives”, stated Alexandru Petrescu, Minister of Communications and Information Society.
During the third ministerial meeting, the participants agree upon a ministerial declaration which highlights some of the most essential aspects that have a great potential to enhance our digital cooperation, such as harmonization of spectrum allocation, roaming pricing, implementing national strategies for broadband.
On this occasion MCSI organized, in partnership with Romfilatelia, an exhibition with representative Romanian philatelic panels, which will be exhibited in front of the Hall of Constantin Stere, Palace of Parliament