MRP organized the first event dedicated to diaspora and awareness on human trafficking during RO2019EU

Met dank overgenomen van Roemeens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2019 (Roemeens voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 25 februari 2019.

The Ministry for Romanians Abroad held an experts’ level reunion dedicated to homecoming measures and awareness raising on human trafficking. The reunion took place in Craiova, between the 22nd and 24th of February 2019, marking MRP’s first event under the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Guests from several EU i member states participated along with representatives from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Agency Against Human Trafficking (ANITP), the National Directorate for Countering Organized Crime (BCCOA), the International Organization for Migration i, the Romanian Ministry for Labor and Social Justice, institutions that are in close contact and co-ordination with the Ministry for Romanians Abroad in order to offer support and assistance for Romanians living beyond Romania’s borders.

The working session was opened by under-secretary of State for Romanians Abroad, Victor Ionescu, on the 23rd of February, with the participation of MRP secretary of state Victor Alexeev and representatives of the local authorities, of the Romanian Parliament and representatives of the Romanian church.

Victor Ionescu presented the priorities of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of European Union and the topics that MRP is bringing on the European agenda. In this context, the under-secretary of state mentioned the pioneering spirit of such debates on EU diaspora-related topics.

During the two panels at INCESA and the County Council in Craiova, experts from member states such as Greece, France, UK, Lithuania, Hungary, Italy, Cyprus, Malta presented best practices on means and strategies aimed at developing reinsertion programs in the countries of origin, and discussed about awareness campaigns aimed at effectively inform EU citizens on the risks of becoming victims of human trafficking. The guests also presented and debated opinions and ideas on the need to co-ordinate policies on diaspora at EU-level.

„The reunion was a great opportunity to exchange good practice at European level when it comes to efficiently inform our citizens when they decide to travel or settle in EU countries. At the same time, given member states’ preoccupation for their diaspora, the participants estimated that an integrated manifestation, at EU level, of this preoccupation would enhance the cohesion of diaspora-related policies“, under-secretary of state Victor Ionescu said at the end of the event.