Countering illegal hate speech online
EU Code of Conduct ensures swift response
The fourth evaluation on the EU Code of Conduct presented today shows that this Commission initiative delivers successful results.
IT companies are now assessing 89% of flagged content within 24 hours and 72% of the content deemed to be illegal hate speech is removed, compared to 40% and 28% respectively when the Code was first launched in 2016. However, companies need to improve their feedback to users.
Since its launch in 2016, the Code of Conduct has been delivering continuous progress, and the recent evaluation confirms that IT companies provide a swift response to racist and xenophobic hate speech content notified to them. However, they need to improve their feedback to the users notifying content and provide more transparency on notices and removals.
Companies remove illegal content more and more rapidly, but this does not lead to over-removal: the removal rate indicates that the review made by the companies continues to respect freedom of expression. Furthermore, thanks to the Code, partnerships between civil society organisations, national authorities and the IT platforms have been established on awareness raising and education activities.
Finally, four new companies decided to join the Code in the course of 2018: Google+, Instagram, Snapchat, Dailymotion. Today, the French gaming platform Webedia ( has also announced their participation.
Related links
Factsheet with key figures on the fourth monitoring of the Code of Conduct
Factsheet: How the Code of Conduct helped countering illegal hate speech online
Questions and answers on the fourth evaluation of the Code of Conduct countering illegal hate speech online