EU energy efficiency rules adapted in view of Brexit
The EU is updating the energy consumption figures in the newly revised energy efficiency directive to take account of the withdrawal of the UK from the EU. This technical adjustment, which concerns projected EU energy consumption in 2030, was endorsed today by EU member states' Ambassadors, paving the way for a speedy adoption. The update will enable the EU to measure its progress towards its energy efficiency and climate objectives as well as provide legal certainty for both member states and businesses in a Union of 27.
The revised energy efficiency directive sets an EU headline target of at least 32.5 % for 2030 which is translated into absolute values of no more than 1 273 million tons of oil equivalent (Mtoe) of primary and no more than 956 Mtoe of final energy consumption for an EU of 28 member states. The equivalent projections for the EU27, excluding the UK, result in energy consumption levels of no more than 1 128 Mtoe of primary energy consumption and no more than 846 Mtoe of final energy consumption in 2030.
A similar update is made to projected energy consumption figures in the regulation on the governance of the energy union.
According to the energy efficiency directive and the governance regulation, member states need to take the projected total energy consumption into account when setting their indicative national energy efficiency contribution towards the EU's headline targets. The energy consumption figures are also relevant for the Commission's assessment of the progress towards the energy efficiency targets.
Next steps
The European Parliament adopted its position on 14 January. The Council's Committee of Permanent Representatives today endorsed the EP's report, meaning that no negotiations between the co-legislators will be necessary, if the EP confirms its position in plenary. Both the European Parliament and the Council are expected to adopt the decision before the end of March.