Agriculture and Fisheries Council - the Romanian presidency will present its political priorities and work programme
In the field of agriculture, the main priority of the Romanian presidency is to advance negotiations on the modernisation and simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2020. As negotiations are correlated to the ongoing negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, the aim is to achieve a partial general approach on the three legislative proposals:
-a regulation on the CAP strategic plans
-a regulation single common market organisation (CMO)
-a horizontal regulation on financing, managing and monitoring the CAP
Identifying measures to encourage the production of plant proteins will be another focus of the Romanian presidency, that will continue discussions on the subject with the objective of ensuring EU’s independence in the plant protein sector.
The Romanian presidency will discuss plant health, with the aim of raising public awareness of this issue. Preparations will also continue for the 2020 United Nations International Year of Plant health.
Priority topics in the field of animal health for the Romanian presidency include:
-monitoring and protecting animal health on EU borders
-implementing measures to control, monitor and eradicate major animal diseases and the role biosecurity plays
-antimicrobial resistance in veterinary medicine
Strengthening the position of farmers in the food supply chain will remain a priority during the Romanian presidency. The aim is to formally adopt the directive on unfair trading practices. This will improve the position of farmers, who are currently considered the weakest link in the food supply chain.
Similarly, the presidency will finalise the work on the regulation on the definition, description, presentation, labelling and the protection of geographical indications of spirit drinks with the aim of formally adopting the regulation.
The Romanian presidency will focus on the preparation for the UN forum on forests and also the review of progress achieved in implementing the EU forestry strategy.
Regarding fisheries, the Romanian presidency will continue work on the multiannual management plans, with the aim of achieving political agreement with the European Parliament. These plans include:
-Western Atlantic
-Western Mediterranean waters
The Romanian presidency will also try to advance discussions on the proposal for the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund post 2020.
The external dimension of the Common fisheries policy (CFP) remains an important priority, in the Romanian presidency.
Agenda highlights - 28 January
-The Romanian presidency will present its political priorities and work programme.
-Future of the CAP post 2020
The Council will discuss the post 2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform package. Ministers will exchange views on the new delivery model outlined in the CAP strategic plans. The Commission will present the new green architecture set out in the same proposal. Ministers will also exchange views on the CAP proposal for a regulation on the common market organisation (CMO).
-Plant proteins
The Council will hold a policy debate on the report on the development of plant proteins in the EU.
-Other issues
The Council will be informed about:
-the establishment of an international centre for antimicrobial resistance solutions
-the fight against African swine fever
-the issue of dual quality of foodstuffs
Background information
How does the Agriculture and Fisheries Council work?
The AGRIFISH Council brings together ministers from each EU member state. Most member states are represented by a single minister for both sectors, although some send two ministers - one for agriculture and another for fisheries.
The European Commissioner for agriculture and rural development, the European Commissioner for health and food safety, or the European Commissioner for maritime affairs and fisheries also take part in meetings.
Meetings usually take place once a month.