Nicaragua: Council adopts conclusions

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 21 januari 2019.

The Council adopted conclusions on the situation in Nicaragua. Since April 2018, demonstrations in Nicaragua have been brutally repressed by security forces and pro-government armed groups leading to clashes, several hundreds dead and injured, and the arrest of hundreds of citizens, with widespread irregularities and arbitrariness in detention and judicial procedures.

The Council underlines that recent measures targeting civil society organisations and independent media constitute another blow to democracy, human rights and civic freedoms aggravating the political and social crisis.

The EU i firmly condemns the repression of the press and civil society and the use of anti-terrorist laws to repress dissenting opinions in Nicaragua

The conclusions recall that the EU has supported regional efforts to ensure accountability for all the crimes committed since April 2018. There cannot be reconciliation without a transparent, inclusive and constructive national dialogue among all the parties involved and justice for all victims.

The EU believes that a genuine dialogue and negotiation, including the adoption of electoral reforms to ensure credible elections responding to international democratic standards, is the only way to address the current crisis and to respond to the pressing needs and aspirations of the people of Nicaragua. The EU stands ready to support a mediation acceptable to all stakeholders and electoral reforms.

The Council underlines its readiness to use all its policy instruments to contribute to a peaceful negotiated way out of the current crisis and react to further deterioration of human rights and rule of law.

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