MEPs want to EU to invest more in young people

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 16 januari 2019.

The Employment Committee’s decision to increase the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) and make youth and children the main beneficiaries was approved by plenary.

Parliament proposes increasing ESF+ funding in the EU’s 2021-27 long-term budget by approximately 19% compared to the European Commission i’s proposal (from approximately €89,6 billion to approximately €106,8 billion in 2018 prices), of which €105,7 billion is to be managed jointly by the EU i and member states.

MEPs want to see more resources devoted to youth employability and to ensure equal opportunities for children at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

The mandate to start negotiations with EU ministers was adopted with 543 votes to 81 and 64 abstentions. MEPs now urge the Council to adopt a general approach and start negotiations as soon as possible.


The European Social Fund has been investing in citizens for over 60 years. It contributes to social inclusion, job opportunities, fighting poverty, education, skills and the employability of young people, as well as in better living conditions, health and fairer societies. The individual projects and programmes must contribute to improving economic, social and territorial cohesion.

Procedure: Ordinary legislative procedure, mandate vote