Minister Carmen Dan had billateral meetings with members of EU Parliament on the priorities of Romanian Presidency

Met dank overgenomen van Roemeens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2019 (Roemeens voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 januari 2019.

On 15.01.2019, Minister of Internal Affairs, Carmen Dan, met the Chairman of the Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Internal Affairs within the European Parliament, mr. Claude Moraes, and the Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, mrs. Cecilia Wikstrom, on the occasion of the official visit realised by the Romanian Government in Strasbourg, in the plenary of the European Parliament for presenting the priorities of the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council.

During the meeting with the chairman of the LIBE Committee, the Romanian Minister reiterated the commitment of the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council to contribute to the advancement of the most important files in the field of home affairs that focus on citizens’ safety and security, asking for the support of the committee’s members, in order to make significant progress within trialogue meetings.

Minister Dan mentioned the intense efforts made at the technical level, on issues regarding interoperability of the EU’s information systems for borders’ management, migration and security. Referring to the security of external borders, mrs Dan said that one of the priorities of the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council is the strengthening of Frontex’s mandate.

Romanian official mentioned that Romanian Presidency of the EU Council will make efforts in order to get an agreement within the Council to begin the trialogues with EU Parliament as soon as possible. She also pointed out the intention to reach an interinstitutional agreement before the end of the legislature both on Frontex Agency and on the modification of the Schengen Borders Code for internal border control.

During the meeting with mrs. Cecilia Wikstrom, European Parliament rapporteur for the reform of the Dublin Regulation, mrs Carmen Dan insisted on asylum initiatives stating that “the Romanian Presidency will continue discussions to identify solutions that reflect the necessary balance between responsibility and solidarity, thus making the European Asylum System more efficient. We will try hard to advance the works, based on the European Council guidelines.”