Start of works in Madagascar financed by the External Investment Plan (EIP)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 9 januari 2019.

The Modernisation of the Road Network in Madagascar, a blended project of the EU i and the European Investment Bank (EIB i), has taken off.

In December, together with the local authorities of the Diana region (in the north of Madagascar), Mr Giovanni Di Girolamo, Ambassador of the EU Delegation to Madagascar, made a site visit to observe the start of work on two permanent bridges, financed with funds already available through EIB loans.

The work will not only make possible the permanent opening of the road, even in the rainy season, but will also facilitate the transport of materials. In addition, the site inspection served to prepare the complete file for the rehabilitation of 245 km of the Ambanja-Antsiranana section, which is planned for next May.

The visit offered an opportunity to publicise an important development project for the region, which is also the largest in terms of EU financing for Madagascar in 60 years of EU-Madagascar cooperation.

The project was allocated a total budget of 236 million euros in blended financing with the EIB. It also includes the rehabilitation of 115 km of road RN13 between Fort Dauphin and Ambovombe in the southern region of Madagascar.