Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the unilateral decision by the Government of Guatemala to withdraw from the CICIG Agreement with the United Nations

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 11 januari 2019.

The government of Guatemala's unilateral announcement terminating the 2006 Agreement with the UN establishing the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) runs against its legal obligations towards the UN and several rulings of the Constitutional Court.

The EU i fully concurs with the Secretary General of the United Nations that the government should allow CICIG to complete its work until its current mandate ends in September 2019, respecting the integrity of CICIG national and international personnel and affording them all necessary protection.

Since its establishment, CICIG has been working very successfully hand in hand with the Guatemalan judicial authorities to fight corruption, impunity and strengthen the rule of law. Its achievements were recognized through the renewal of its mandate on several occasions. CICIG has been benefiting from EU and EU Member States financial support since its creation. The EU reiterates its willingness to continue working on the strengthening of Guatemala's judicial system in cooperation with the country's authorities.

The EU also strongly supports the statement made by the local donor coordination group G13 on January 8 calling on the government of Guatemala to fully respect the country’s constitutional order, in particular the independence of the Constitutional Court. The EU considers that Guatemala must further strengthen its rule of law to guarantee stability. The EU will continue to closely monitor the situation and react in the light of events.

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