EU regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian crisis

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 17 december 2018.

With new projects adopted for refugees and local communities in Jordan, Iraq, and Turkey, the EU i Trust Fund mobilised so far €1.6 billion

The EU Trust Fund adopted projects worth €122 million to support access to education and basic health care for refugees and vulnerable local communities in Jordan, to provide livelihood opportunities in Turkey and make available critical health care services in Iraq.

In view of the continued impact of the crisis and the current 5.6 million Syrian refugees, the Trust Fund Board is confirming its commitment to continue the support to Syrian refugees and their host communities. With this new package, the overall value of EU regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis so far mobilised, reaches €1.6 billion. Currently 55 projects have been contracted.

The new €122 million aid package includes the following actions:

  • €83 million for access to education and basic health care, to support livelihoods through cultural heritage development, and to provide higher education opportunities to Syrian refugees and vulnerable communities in Jordan;
  • €27 million to provide livelihood opportunities in the fields of agricultural development and through micro-loans, as well as social protection and higher education to Syrian refugees and vulnerable communities in Turkey;
  • €9.5 million to strengthen mother and child critical health care services, as well as support to livelihoods through cultural heritage development in Iraq.

At the board meeting, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria and Estonia, have made new pledges for a total of €28.4 million.The Commission pledged already at least €220 million to the Trust Fund in 2019 in line with its pledge from the April 2018 Brussels conference on the future of Syria and the region.

The assistance package was adopted by the EU Trust Fund's Board, which brings together the European Commission i, EU Member States i, members of the European Parliament i and representatives from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and the World Bank.

Related links

EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis

Factsheet: EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis