Women, peace and security: Council adopts conclusions

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 10 december 2018.

The Council adopted conclusions on women, peace and security (WPS). The Council recalls the commitments of the European Union and its member states to the full implementation of the WPS agenda, which consists of UN security council resolution 1325 and its follow-up resolutions, ensuring that it is fully integrated into all EU policies and efforts in promoting the important role of women's engagement in support of sustainable peace, security, human rights, justice and development.

In its conclusions, the Council welcomes the new EU strategic approach to WPS. This approach emphasises the need for systematic integration of a gender perspective into all fields and activities in the domain of peace and security, and overall in EU external actions. It also emphasises the need for the EU to engage, empower, protect, and support women and girls in order to help all countries achieving sustainable and lasting peace and security as intrinsic components of human rights and sustainable development.

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