Myanmar/Burma: Council adopts conclusions

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 10 december 2018.

The Council adopted conclusions on the situation in Myanmar/Burma. The Council expresses deep concern over the findings of the independent international fact-finding mission (FFM) of the UN Human Rights Council which conclude that gross human rights violations were committed in Kachin, Rakhine and Shan states, in particular by the Myanmar/Burma military (Tatmadaw).

The European Union has consistently called for the accountability of those responsible for such crimes. The Council underlines that a new independent mechanism to further investigate and prepare for fair and independent criminal proceedings should be created, in full recognition of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

The Council intends to adopt additional restrictive measures against senior military and border guard police officers responsible for human rights violations and is committed to keeping the list of designations under constant review.

Recalling its conclusions of 26 February 2018, the Council reiterates its call on the government of Myanmar/Burma to take, without further delay, meaningful action and to make progress to address the issues of accountability, access for the UN and humanitarian agencies to the Kachin, Rakhine and Shan states, and to create conditions for voluntary, safe and dignified return of displaced persons to their places of origin.

The Council further welcomes the cooperation extended so far to the UN Secretary General Special Envoy, and reaffirms its continued strong support for Myanmar/Burma's democratic transition, peace and national reconciliation process and inclusive socio-economic development.

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