The Commission and Cabo Verde strengthen cooperation in marine research and innovation
Today, the European Commission and the Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde signed a new research and innovation cooperation arrangement. The so-called Mindelo Arrangement aims at strengthening and enhancing research and innovation cooperation in Blue Growth. This is part of the EU i’s broader All Atlantic Ocean research cooperation, and further strengthens the pillar “Knowledge Society” of the EU-Cabo Verde Special Partnership.
The Mindelo Arrangement took place during the Cabo Verde Ocean Week, organised by the Government of Cabo Verde. It opens new opportunities to harness the full potential of Cabo Verde's geographic location for the development of the Blue Economy.
Carlos Moedas i, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, said:
Thanks to its geographical position, Cabo Verde offers great opportunities to study, monitor and analyse the challenges and opportunities the Atlantic Ocean holds for us. This arrangement will support research and technologies that will unlock the potential of marine and maritime sectors, and will also create new opportunities for international cooperation.
Cabo Verde has a long tradition of participation in research and innovation projects in successive framework programmes including the current one, Horizon 2020. For instance, the project FARFISH aims to provide knowledge and methods to support responsible, sustainable and profitable EU fisheries outside European waters through achievable and cost-effective fisheries management tools.
The Cooperation Arrangement between the European Commission and the Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde will contribute to securing a sustainable Blue bioeconomy for the future in order to be able to feed a growing global population estimated at around 9.7 billion by 2050, while achieving sustainable development goals and addressing climate change and biodiversity.
To address these challenges, more research and innovation cooperation in and for the Atlantic Ocean is needed. This will improve our understanding of the marine environment and support a more sustainable use of marine resources.
The Mindelo Arrangement will encourage the exchanging of scientific information and the deployment of skills for the Blue Economy area. This will also engage people in coastal and ocean research so that they can better value, appreciate and conserve the ocean, which is part of their daily lives.
The Mindelo Arrangement is an important building block of the All Atlantic Ocean research cooperation, building on the multilateral Galway Statement (May 2013), the Belém Statement (July 2017) and the bilateral Arrangement on marine research cooperation with Argentina (May 2018).
According to the Mindelo Arrangement, the EU and Cabo Verde intend to encourage cooperation for a coordinated and partnership-based approach based on mutual benefit in key common areas of interest such as: Climate variability and ecosystem approaches; Ocean observation (including seabed mapping), forecasting and monitoring processes and systems; Food security, fisheries management, aquaculture and biodiversity; Ocean technology (including for observations and renewable marine energy).
In the EU-Cabo Verde 'Joint Statement on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the conclusion of the Special Partnership between the EU and the Republic of Cabo Verde' (10 July 2017), Blue Economy and maritime affairs in general have been recognized as areas of common interest which should be further strengthened and enhanced. Research and Innovation cooperation plays a crucial role within this context.