Venezuela: EU renews sanctions for one year

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 6 november 2018.

In view of the continuing deterioration of the situation in Venezuela, the Council decided today to renew the targeted restrictive measures currently in place until 14 November 2019.

The Council put in place targeted restrictive measures on Venezuela on 13 November 2017. These included an embargo on arms and on equipment for internal repression as well as a travel ban and an asset freeze on 18 individuals (7 since 22 January and 11 since 25 June 2018) holding official positions and responsible for human rights violations as well as for undermining democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela.

These measures are intended to help encourage democratic shared solutions in order to bring political stability to the country and allow it to address the pressing needs of the population. These targeted measures are flexible and reversible and designed not to harm the Venezuelan population.

The EU has reiterated on numerous occasions its readiness to help find a democratic way out of the current multidimensional crisis through a meaningful and results-oriented negotiation, conducted in good faith, that includes all relevant Venezuelan political actors. EU foreign ministers discussed the situation in Venezuela and its impact in the region at their last meeting on 15 October and reaffirmed this position. Since the crisis can only be addressed through a political process, they agreed to explore the possibility of establishing a contact group which could, if conditions are met, help facilitate such a process.

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