Less hate speech and more European content on video streaming services: Council adopts new EU rules
As a result of updates by the EU to its rules for audiovisual media services, traditional television and new services such as on-demand broadcasting will compete on a level playing field. Video sharing platforms will also for the first time be subject to rules ensuring that viewers, and in particular minors, will be better protected from violent or harmful content or hate speech.
The new rules also aim to increase cultural diversity and promote European content by introducing a quota of at least 30% of European content in the catalogue of providers of on-demand audiovisual media services.
The Council adopted the new directive on 6 November. This is the final step in the legislative process.
The new directive modifies an existing directive on the provision of audiovisual media services from 2010. Since then, the market for audiovisual media services has evolved significantly. Rapid technical developments have sparked new types of services, viewing habits have changed, and user-generated content has gained in importance. The legal framework is now being updated to take account of these developments.
Next steps
The directive will enter into force on the 20th day after its publication in the Official Journal of the EU. Member states will have 21 months to transpose it into national legislation.