Humanitarian aid: EU releases €58 million for the Sahel and the Central African Republic

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 29 oktober 2018.

The Commission i has allocated additional €50 million to the Sahel region and €8 million to the Central African Republic to address the increasing food, nutrition and emergency needs in the countries.

For 2018, the EU i's total humanitarian response to the Sahel countries now stands at €270 million and €25.4 million for the Central African Republic.

"As the humanitarian situation in the Sahel continues to worsen, we are stepping up our assistance to address the major food crisis in the region. Ongoing violence and conflict, as well as the effects of climate change, are causing massive displacement, acute malnutrition and food insecurity that is affecting millions, especially children. We remain committed to show solidarity to the most vulnerable and to save lives," said Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides i. The EU funding will help provide food and nutrition to the most vulnerable and emergency assistance such as shelter, medical care and water.

Funding in the Central African Republic will enhance the EU's ongoing efforts to address the needs of the displaced populations. "In the face of ongoing violence and displacement in the country, we must continue to do our outmost to cover the needs of all those forced to leave their homes," added Commissioner Stylianides.

The assistance announced today will go to seven countries in the Sahel region and to the Central African Republic: Nigeria (€10 million), Mali (€6 million), Niger (€6 million), Burkina Faso (€5 million), Mauritania (€5 million), Chad (€12 million) and Cameroon (€3 million), Central African Republic (€8 million). In addition, regional funding amounting to €3 million will be allocated to the Sahel to ensure life-saving malnutrition treatments. The EU is one of the largest contributors of humanitarian aid to the Sahel. The EU assists people in need of emergency food assistance and provides treatment for severely malnourished children as well as for conflict-affected populations.


In the Sahel, 12 million people are estimated to be in need of emergency food assistance during the lean season, while 4.2 million children are in need of live-saving nutrition treatment. In addition, conflicts have forcibly displaced 3.1 million people throughout the region and created additional emergency needs. Thousands of newly displaced people have been recently recorded in Northeast Nigeria, with children showing alarming rates of acute malnutrition. Floods affecting Niger, Mali and Nigeria since mid-August, have further increased needs and pose serious health risks. A cholera epidemic has been spreading in Niger, Nigeria and Chad over the past few months.

In the Central African Republic, continuous insecurity and violence further increase humanitarian needs. About 2.5 million people, meaning half of the population, are in need of humanitarian aid and one in four - about 1.2 million people - has been forcibly displaced.

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Burkina Faso







Central African Republic



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