EC meeting: connecting Europe and Asia; State aid case and European Citizens' Initiatives

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 19 september 2018.

EU steps up its strategy for connecting Europe and Asia. The College took a state aid decision and registered two new European Citizens' Initiatives

EU steps up its strategy for connecting Europe and Asia

The European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy today adopted a Joint Communication that sets out the EU's vision for a new and comprehensive strategy to better connect Europe and Asia. The Joint Communication builds on the European Union's own experience of enhancing connections between its Member States, with and in other regions. With sustainable, comprehensive and rules-based connectivity at its core, the Communication will help to guide the EU's external action in this field and is a part of the implementation of its Global Strategy. The EU will combine a principled approach to connectivity and recognition that Asia encompasses different regions, which are home to very diverse countries in terms of economic models and level of development, with concrete action based on three strands: creating transport links, energy and digital networks and human connections; offering connectivity partnerships to countries in Asia and organisations; and promoting sustainable finance through utilising diverse financial tools. The aim is to better connect Europe and Asia through physical and non-physical networks so as to strengthen the resilience of societies and regions, facilitate trade, promote the rules-based international order, and create avenues for a more sustainable, low-carbon future. This Joint Communication will inform the EU's engagement with its partners from the neighbourhood to the Pacific, bringing benefits for the people of Europe and those countries who see the value of our approach to connectivity. The Joint Communication adopted today will now be discussed in the European Parliament and the Council, and will contribute to discussions on connectivity at the upcoming Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit, to be held in Brussels on 18-19 October.

European Citizens' Initiative: Commission registers two new Initiatives

The College of Commissioners has today decided to register two new European Citizens' Initiatives, entitled ‘Eat ORIGINal! Unmask your food' and ‘Stop fraud and abuse of EU funds'. The stated objective of the first proposed Initiative is toimpose mandatory declarations of origin for all food products in order to prevent fraud, protect public health and guarantee consumers' right to information. The registration of this Initiative will take place on 2 October 2018.

The second Initiative calls for the application of enhanced controls and stricter sanctions to protect the Union's financial interests in Member States which are not part of the European Public Prosecutor's Office. The registration of this Initiative will take place on 27 September 2018. The Commission's decision to register these two Initiatives only concerns the legal admissibility of the proposals. The Commission has not analysed the substance at this stage. The registrations start a one-year process of collection of signatures of support by the organisers. Should an Initiative receive one million statements of support within one year, from at least seven different Member States, the Commission will have to react within three months. The Commission can decide either to follow the request or not, and in both instances would be required to explain its reasoning.

State aid case

The Commission has found that the non-taxation of certain McDonald's profits in Luxembourg did not lead to illegal State aid, as it is in line with national tax laws and the Luxembourg-United States Double Taxation Treaty. Following an in-depth investigation launched in December 2015, based on doubts that Luxembourg might have misapplied its Double Taxation Treaty with the United States, the Commission has concluded that Luxembourg's tax treatment of McDonald's Europe Franchising does not violate the Double Taxation Treaty with the United States. On that basis, the Commission found that two tax rulings granted by the Luxembourg authorities in 2009 that exempted McDonald's Europe Franchising (a subsidiary of McDonald's Corporation that is tax resident in Luxembourg) from corporate taxation in Luxembourg because the company's profits may also be taxed in the United States do not infringe EU State aid rules.

Senior Management appointments

The European Commission has today decided to appoint Mr Johan Ureel to the position of Director "Expenditure" in its Directorate-General for Budget (DG BUDG); Mr Bernd Adolph to the position of Director "Security" in the Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security (DG HR) and Mr Philippe Duponteil to the function of Director “Resources” in the Joint Research Centre (JRC).

Also, Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources Günther H. Oettinger reported to the College on the progress made towards achieving at least 40% female representation among the Commission management by the end of the term of office of the current Commission. Reaching this target was one of the personal commitments of President Jean-Claude Juncker. Women managers in the Commission account for 39% of all, up from 30% at the beginning of November 2014. The progress comes after a series of measures that the Commission has put in place. It is also one more example of how the Juncker Commission is delivering on its commitments. Last, but certainly not least, it will ensure that the Commission's management is more diverse, more balanced and better reflects the realities in the European societies.

Related links

Audiovisual Material

Photo report - College meeting

Press Material

EU steps up its strategy for connecting Europe and Asia

Joint Communication: Connecting Europe and Asia - building blocks for an EU Strategy

Memo: Explaining the European Union's approach to connecting Europe and Asia

Factsheet: Connecting Europe and Asia - The EU Strategy

European Citizens' Initiative: Commission registers ‘Eat ORIGINal! Unmask your food' initiative

European Citizens' Initiative: Commission registers ‘Stop fraud and abuse of EU funds' initiative

State aid: Commission investigation did not find that Luxembourg gave selective tax treatment to McDonald's