Third Facebook-Cambridge Analytica hearing: data breach prevention and cures

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 3 juli 2018.

MEPs discussed how to prevent repeats of the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal with a Facebook representative and three EU Commissioners on Monday evening.

At the third Facebook-Cambridge Analytica hearing, Richard Allan, Vice-President of Policy Solutions at Facebook, answered MEPs’ questions about how Facebook intends to ensure that it complies fully with data protection laws and how it plans to prevent similar cases from recurring in the future.

MEPs also discussed possible policy solutions and remedies to ensure that EU citizens’ data are properly protected with Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip i, Justice Commissioner Věra Jourová i and Security Union Commissioner Sir Julian King i.

The hearing concluded a series of hearings focusing on the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Civil Liberties Committee Chair Claude Moraes (S&D, UK) said: "In the course of our investigation, it has become clear that real transparency is needed from companies such as Facebook in terms of data processing methods, tracking, profiling and use of algorithms in order to ensure consumer trust.

"My impression is that much needs to be done, particularly by commercial organisations, to ensure that their business model is by design and by default compliant with fundamental rights. After hearing from the competent authorities examining the case, we expect appropriate measures to enforce the law and ensure the respect of our fundamental rights will be taken. We will now submit the outcome of our investigation and possible follow up for discussion with LIBE Coordinators."

A video recording of the hearing will soon be available here.


The first hearing was held on 4 June to better map the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica case. The second hearing focused on the impact of the case on privacy, voting and consumer trust and took place on 25 June.

The hearings were organized by the Civil Liberties Committee, in association with the Industry, Constitutional Affairs and Legal Affairs committees. They followed up on the 22 May meeting between the founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and EP President Antonio Tajani, political group leaders and the Chair and Rapporteur of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee.