Commissioner Mimica in Mauritania for the African Union Summit

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 29 juni 2018.

Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica is on an official visit to Mauritania tomorrow. He will co-host a joint African Union-European Union side-event on gender equality, and sign two support programmes for Mauritania.

On behalf of the European Union, Commissioner Mimica will participate in the 31st African Union Summit in Nouakchott, Mauritania. This summit will focus on combatting corruption and supporting Africa's transformation towards sustainable development. Commissioner Mimica will also co-host together with African Union Chair, President Paul Kagame, the AU-EU joint side event “Women in Power”. A joint press release will be made available tomorrow here.

Commissioner Mimica will also sign two programmes, for a total amount of €47.6 million under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF). Commissioner Mimica said: “Mauritania is a strategic partner for security and stability in the Sahel. It has designed a solid path towards sustainable development and recently adopted an ambitious new growth and prosperity strategy on which we are fully aligned. The two programs I will sign, amounting to €47.6 million, will improve the lives of citizens by promoting investments in rural areas and strengthening the judicial system."

During his trip to Mauritania, Commissioner Mimica will also meet the Prime Minister of Ethiopia and the President of Sierra Leone. He will also participate in the sixth Board Meeting of the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI).


The EU and Africa have progressively built a solid strategic and political partnership, going beyond donor-recipient relations towards reciprocal commitments. This partnership is based on shared values and interests, enshrined in the 2007 Joint Africa-EU Strategy. At the 5th AU-EU Summit last November, African and European leaders demonstrated their mutual commitment in a stronger relationship and identified strategic priorities for 2018-2020.

During the past 50 years the EU has been helping Mauritania address strategic challenges for the development of the country in areas such as road construction and transport, agriculture, mining, fisheries and good governance.

The 11th EDF indicative allocation for Mauritania amounts to €160 million and focuses on Food security and sustainable agriculture, rule of law and health.

Under the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, Mauritania also benefits from seven bilateral projects worth a total of €55 million and seven regional projects, notably related to the G5 Sahel. These projects cover top priorities such as job creation, resilience of population, fight against radicalisation and terrorism. Beyond the EU development cooperation, Mauritania is beneficiary of the most important Partnership Agreement on fisheries in terms of volume and finance that the EU has signed.

For more information

MEMO - EU support to Mauritania

Joint press release - Africa and Europe put women's empowerment and gender equality at the top of their agenda

Website - 31st African Union Summit

Website - EU Trust Fund for Africa



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