Statement by Commissioners Bulc and Arias Cañete on the rules of the first-ever global scheme on aviation emissions
The European Commission welcomes the endorsement by the International Civil Aviation Organization Council (ICAO) of the key rules of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation to tackle CO2 emissions in the aviation sector.
Yesterday's agreement sets the rules needed for airlines to monitor and report their emissions from 2019. The rules agreed describe in detail what has to be done, by whom, starting with the collection of information on international aviation CO2 emissions by airlines as of January 2019.
Other rules on the use of biofuels and credits to offset aviation emissions will be finalised before the end of the year. Thanks to these commitments airlines will be contributing to tackle climate change in the first-ever global scheme to reduce aviation emissions. We have passed the point of no return. Sustainability is finally becoming the way we fly!
It is an important step forward showing the shared commitment to implement the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation agreed in 2016 and to address aviation emissions. Without any action, CO2 emissions from aviation are set to grow by up to 300% by 2050. Action by the aviation sector to reduce its carbon footprint is also a first step to reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement and keep global warming well below 2°C.
The European Union and its Member States played a central role in securing this deal. This is another concrete illustration of European unity and of the global leadership of Europe in the fight against climate change. The EU will continue to push for robust and effective rules. Participation and implementation by all states around the world will be fundamental for the system to deliver on its objectives.
The EU leads by example: the EU is effectively addressing European aviation emissions since 2012 through its emissions trading system and will come forward with implementing rules on monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions for CORSIA this year. The EU will continue to encourage its international partners to join the ICAO Scheme and adopt adequate implementing measures ahead of the voluntary phase beginning in 2021. In order to facilitate this, the EU is providing capacity building assistance to developing nations, including in Africa, ASEAN Member States and the Caribbean Islands.
In October 2016, the 39th Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) reached a landmark agreement on a Resolution for a Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation. The 214th Council session, which is taking place this month, endorsed the main set of requirements and recommendations for the scheme. The ICAO Council will decide on the other implementation elements during the next session in the autumn (October/November).
European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc i travelled to Montreal on 18 and 19 June where she met representatives from key international partners, including the US, India, Russia and China, together with coordinators from the Latin American and Caribbean Group and the Asia-Pacific States Group. She also met with Dr Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, the President of the Council of ICAO and Dr Fang Liu, the Secretary General of ICAO.
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