Digital single gateway: easier access to online information and procedures

Met dank overgenomen van Bulgaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2018 (Bulgaars voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 20 juni 2018.

Coreper today endorsed an agreement between the Bulgarian presidency and European Parliament representatives to set up a single digital gateway which will provide access to online information and procedures, assistance and problem-solving services to citizens and companies.

"The digital single gateway will be a user-friendly single entry point to assist citizens and businesses to find the information they need on the EU internal market. It will provide full access to a wide range of online procedures to help them when they want to move, work, retire, study or when they want to establish or carry out businesses in another country. This is a major achievement within the digital single market."

Emil Karanikolov, Minister for the economy of Bulgaria

The single digital gateway will use the already established name "Your Europe" and will include a common user interface integrated into the existing Your Europe portal.

The interface will be user-friendly and available in all official EU languages.

The new gateway will integrate several networks and services that have been established at national and EU level to assist citizens and businesses in their cross-border activities. These include: European Consumer Centres, Your Europe Advice, SOLVIT, Intellectual Property Rights Helpdesk, Europe Direct and Enterprise Europe Network.

The interface will ensure centralised access by EU citizens and businesses to information they need to exercise their rights to mobility in the EU, as well as to full access to online procedures in a non-discriminatory way.

A basic principle of the gateway is that if a procedure is available for a citizen of one member state it should also be equally accessible to users from other member states.

Read the full press release on the website of the Council of the European Union.


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