Schengen internal border controls: Council agrees negotiating mandate on the amendment of the Schengen borders code

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 19 juni 2018.

On 19 June 2018, EU ambassadors endorsed, on behalf of the Council, a mandate for negotiations on a proposal amending the Schengen border code as regards temporary reintroduction of controls at internal borders. On the basis of this mandate, the Council Presidency will start negotiations with the European Parliament once the latter has adopted its position.

The Schengen area has brought uncontested benefits to people across Europe. Today's agreement aims to preserve these achievements. It will provide member states with the necessary tools to respond to the evolving security challenges they face while ensuring the proportionality of this response.

Valentin Radev, Bulgarian minister of interior

This proposal aims to provide increased flexibility for member states to address serious threats to public policy or internal security and, on the other hand, to ensure that the reintroduction of internal border controls is only used as a last-resort.

To address serious threats to public policy or internal security, the proposed amendment would allow to reintroduce internal border controls under the same reason for a total period of no longer than one year. It would also include a series of safeguards which should be met in order to ensure the proportionality and necessity of these measures, including a risk assessment and consultation mechanisms. When border controls at internal borders are carried out for more than six months, the Commission shall issue an opinion.


On 27 September 2017, the Commission presented a communication on preserving and strengthening Schengen, which was accompanied by a proposal for amending the Schengen Border Code, as well as by a recommendation on the implementation of the current Schengen border code provisions on internal border controls.

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