Prioriteiten van de EU in de Voedsel- en Landbouworganisatie van de Verenigde Naties: conclusies van de Raad
On 13 June 2018 the Council adopted conclusions on the EU and its member states' medium-term priorities for the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO i).
The conclusions acknowledge that the FAO, as a global knowledge-based organisation within the UN system, has a key role to play in advancing the global sustainability and climate agenda in relation to agriculture, forestry, fisheries, as well as food security and nutrition. The conclusions also stress that the FAO has to ensure that adequate and appropriate technical expertise is available, and that continued efforts are needed to ensure that the FAO is an efficient, effective and transparent organisation that is fit for purpose in the wider UN system. Finally, the Council highlights the essential contribution which the EU and its member states make to the FAO work in all its dimensions, including as prime contributors to the overall FAO budget, and commits itself to continue to actively support the FAO in its core mandate and in its standard-setting and normative activities.
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